Hiking here Montecristo

The peculiar island of Montecristo, wild and lonely is located south of the island of Elba and west of the island of Giglio and Monte Argentario. It can only be visited by 1,000 people a year in the period between April and September. Priority is given to schools and groups. This leads to inevitable queues, sometimes for 2 years.

To book a visit should contact the Forestry Corps of Follonica and explain the reasons for the visit and the number of people involved and the date. The island is prohibited camping and accommodation, as it is allowed to visit only 6 hours.

The island was made famous by the famous Alexander Dumas, which tells of a legendary treasure on the island of Montecristo in his eponymous novel. On one can practice walking with the Forestry indicate that the paths to reach the holy cave of the monastery of San Mamiliano and villa real Vittorio Emanuele III, residence hunting.

The depopulation of the perennial favorite has the flourish of flora and fauna, rich in detail specimens of animals and plants that live in this beautiful island: the viper of Montecristo, the Sardinian discoglosso and migratory birds of various types.

The waters are rich in grasslands of Posidonia, sea anemones, corals and sea fans. A natural habitat complex that allowed life to the rare monk seal.

How to visit the island. Useful information for tourists

The Island of Montecristo will be accessible to 1,000 people a year, supervised by the State Forestry and the Ministry of Agriculture. Only guided tours for up to 50 people at a time. To visit the island simply submit an application and wait their turn. Students and scenziati take precedence over all. For information and reservations please contact via telephone or email the administration of Follonica owned forests.
We remind tourists and servers that banned swimming on the island, is only 300 meters from the coast.

Forest Follonica
Phone: 0566 400 19
Fax: 0566 406 11
Email: @ corpoforestale.it utb.follonica