Villa Mimbelli - Museo Civico Giovanni Fattori

Museums and villas Livorno

Historic buildings Livorno Since the end of the 600 richest Leghorn traders began to build villas outside town and, after the liberalization construction, were built several palaces. When the Savoy after the Unification of Italy no longer recognized in Livorno the status of "free port", many traders settled elsewhere and their property passed villas. From the early'900s, the town began to buy and renovate some and today the most beautiful are the headquarters of museums and parks.

True to its characteristic of open and tolerant city, the cultural tradition of Livorno is very lively and well represented in museums and art galleries displaying the heritage pictorial dell'800 and'900.

Villa Fabbricotti

Biblioteca Comunale Labronico FD Guerrazzi
Viale della Libertà 30
Tel. 0586 264 511
The library located inside the neoclassical Villa Fabbricotti spread over several floors.
On the ground floor are the reading rooms, reception and the internet.
On the first floor there are the Conference Room and the Sale of rare (including manuscripts and foscoliani collection "Bastogi" covering approximately 60,000 auotgrafi) while the second floor there are the Data Processing Center and administrative offices.
The library is one of the most important of Tuscany and offers its catalogs online, also the library collections are connected via computer to Loan.

Villa Maria

Center for Documentation and Research Visiva
Via F. Redi 22
Opening hours
14.30-19.30 Mon, Wed, Fri; 8.30-13.30 Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
July 14-August 31 8.30-13.30 Mon-Sat
Tel. 0586 862 063

In the park of Villa Maria, built in the eighteenth century, there is a building where materials are collected Bibliographic divided into sections: maps and prints, Archives of personalities and institutions, ancient editions, read the Grand Duke of Tuscany, historical periods Leghorn, photographs and prints of the period.

Villa Maria

Museum Mascagni
Via Calzabigi, 54 - 57125 Livorno
Opening hours:
Monday, Friday: 14.30 - 19.30
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday: 08.30 - 13.30
Wednesday: 08.30 - 13.30 / 14.30 - 19.30
Tel: 0586 862 063
Fax: 0586 852 378

The museum is housed in the Castle of Villa Maria, clad in ashlar to the first floor. Here are stored items related to the life and works of the great musician Pietro Mascagni, among them many relics, manuscripts, paintings and music. The material is sorted in chronological order the production of the musical maestro, from the first and most famous of His works: Cavalleria rusticana, of which there is the original manuscript. In addition to documents on display, the museum has an archive of some 800 letters and an interesting collection of photographs.
Visits are made by appointment and are periodically organized activities for the promotion and exploitation such as exhibitions, educational paths taken care of by industry experts, meetings and conventions.

Villa Mimbelli

Museum Factors
Via S. Jacopo in Acquaviva 65
Hours visits
Tuesday-Sunday: 10-13, 16-19 (winter)
10-13, 17-23 (Summer)
Tel. 0586 808 001 / 804 487

The museum collects an important nucleus of paintings by Giovanni Fattori and artists who have made an artistic path similar to the great painter Leghorn.
In the Moorish Room, on the ground floor of the Villa Mimbelli, starts the tour continues on the first floor reception rooms with frescoed rooms by Annibale and Gatti, on the second floor, in the ancient rooms of accommodation.
Are presented to the public several examples of Tuscan art of late nineteenth and early twentieth century, with works by Signorini, Pollastrini, Corcos and many other artists.
Several works are the fundamental factors and his companions: Mrs. Martelli Castiglioncello, Portrait of the wife of factors, I Signorini outskirts of Florence or the Arno at Florence Silvestro Lega, to name but a few.

Yesh Marini

Jewish Museum
Via Micali 21
Useful information:
The museum is open by appointment
From September to June, is open on the first Sunday of each month: at 15-17
For information and reservations, contact:
Amaranta Cooperative Service
phone: 339 299 7687 to 0586 893 361
Fax: 0586 889 198
E-mail: @ b.celati

The Jewish Museum is located a nell'Oratorio Marini neoclassical building adapted to accept the place of worship in 1867.
Besides the permanent exhibition "1938 - The Jewish School of Livorno: an alternative to racial laws" that offers an overview of the most important of anti-Semitic fascist regime, the Manifesto of the race to the promulgation of racial laws, the attitudes of bureaucracy and the media, the museum houses antique furniture of the great Synagogue. Among the valuable pieces preserved, are a significant hekhàl wooden style Eastern liturgical objects from various countries, embroidery and objects in coral.
Unfortunately the pieces oldest and most have been lost, but some of those remaining, such as a crown dated 1636 or some of eighteenth fittings, show a quality of performance that are difficult in other places.
The museum is intended to expand the occupying dell'Oratorio gallery space where you'll find more extensive documentation on the life and Jewish tradition and Livorno have a proper place all those items, not only of historical and artistic value, but also simple to use and liturgical sinagogale home, that families will want to donate or leave it in storage for the complete history of the Community.

Villa Henderson

Museum of Natural History in the Mediterranean
Way Roma 234
Hours views:
Tues-Sat: 9-13
Tues-Thur: 15-19
Sunday: 15-19
Tel. 0586 266 711

The Provincial Museum of Natural History Livorno was established in 1929 on the basis of the rich scientific equipment of the Cabinet of Natural History's Technical "Amerigo Vespucci", collected between 1871 and 1909 by distinguished naturalists Leghorn.
Since 1980 the museum is housed in the complex eighteenth Villa Henderson.
The museum is spread through structures in glass and steel, along a route that finds geological, zoological, botanical and paleoetnologici.
Interestingly, the Hall Cetacean hosting the skeleton of "Annie", a balenottera ran aground on the coast of Livorno, and the Hall of Man. In a park of Villa Botanical Garden is dedicated to the flora of the Mediterranean.

Museo di Santa Giulia

The museum is open by appointment only.
For information can contact the arch of SS. Sacramento and San Giulia, at Largo Duomo, 1 - 57123 Livorno.
Telephone and fax: 0586 883 598

A Livorno is four years a small museum on Santa Giulia, patroness of the city. Opened Nov. 30 2000 dall'Arciconfraternita of SS. Sacramento and San Giulia - the oldest association of Lay Leghorn already in this city in the thirteenth century when Livorno was still a village - the museum is located on the premises adjacent to the church of Santa Giulia, located a few tens of meters from the Cathedral of Livorno.
The Museo di Santa Giulia collects interesting works of sacred art, already placed in the church, including a former school board Giotto depicting S. Giulia standing, surrounded by eight stories of his life, a reliquary silver and gilded copper, to realize fact Cosimo III in 1693, which depicts the saint built a fortress, a symbol of the city of Livorno, and a frontal silver dell'orafo Antonio Leonardi, of 1682, and cultic objects, such as liturgical vestments, inginocchiatoi and furniture.
In the museum hall, in four display cases, are also willing vestments, the objects for liturgical use and reliquaries used by XVI to XX for the cult of Santa.
The monument consists of three buildings: the Church of Santa Giulia, the Oratorio di San Ranieri and the Museum of Santa Giulia.

Villa Trossi

Cultural Foundation Art Trossi Uberti
Via Ravizza, 76

The Cultural Foundation Art Trossi Uberti, was established in 1959 in Villa Trossi, whose cultural activities, began in 1961 with the governing board a Hercules Chairman Borra.
La Villa Trossi, residence of the Foundation has an impressive architectural structure.
The Contessa Corinna left in the Villa Trossi donation to the town of Livorno, so that was founded a school of art, so that young people could learn the art magic "of painting and all those painters who often complained about the lack of spaces suitable for reproduction art
Young or older and all those who they want to approach art can subscribe to the Cultural Foundation art Trossi Uberti. To subscribe there are no age limits and culture, you must have fulfilled the school. Over the years, the Foundation was taught, very famous painters, prepared and equipped with great experience, great ability, professionally sound and art lovers.

Municipal Museum Aquarium "Cestoni"

Piazza Mascagni
18 tanks that are home to animal and plant species typical of the Mediterranean. It is an ongoing project of renovation and expansion.

Useful links for tourists
Consultation service catalogs Municipal Library
Museum Factors
For information on the Museum of Santa Giulia

Museo a Livorno